Audible Read: Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

Audible Read: Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuk

I’ve been a subscriber to the audio book platform Audible by Amazon since September 2012. But since May 2017 I’ve been listening to audio books every week as well as my podcasts in order expand my learning.

I enjoy Audible because of their massive library. So if I’m in the mood for fiction instead of the business/self help/mindset books I’m usually listening to to help me improve along my business journey, then it’s quick and easy to switch.

The app also remembers your location across various devices and platforms so you can pick up from where you left off no matter where or what you’re doing before.

I highly recommend Audible for anyone who wants to enjoy more books but are:

  • constantly on the go
  • only have short stints of time for themselves
  • don’t have space in their bag for another item (especially a book of any size)

I would encourage you to start using Audible they usually offer a free book to new users and if you don’t like it, their you can cancel.

Why I chose Crush It

After listening to the sample, Crush It* sounded like honest advice given from genuine experience from a genuine person. This book is also read by the author. Having a book read by the author is always nice to hear because you feel more connected to them as these are their thoughts and opinions being read to you. I also love when he went off script which made you feel like you were getting added valuable advice from the audio book rather than buying the physical book.

My Thoughts

Gary gives great tips on how to go from just having a passion to building a business and a string personal brand. He provides detailed advice on how to use difference social media channels to engage with and build your audience. At the end there’s even a step by step checklist to help you.

The social media channels references can be a bit dated but that’s only because it’s the audio version, newer ones have been added in so you get additional information that you don’t from the book.

I found it interesting listening to his journey. This shows that you don’t need to have a privileged background, IVY league/Oxbridge education or come from money in order to build something for yourself. You only need to be consistent, engage your followers and let your passion shine through.


Throughout the book, Gary gives clear, enthusiastic delivery of his content. He makes this book very authentic and unique to himself.

My Best Chapter

The chapter that stood out to me was “Create Great Content”. Building content and creating a great community is far more valuable for your audience to get from your brand and for you overall in the long term.

It will be hard to refuse affiliate deals offered to you, especially if you’ve been making nothing for ages. But, stay strong, know who you want to do business with (in terms of brands) and what you and your business stand for.

If the brands approaching you don’t clearly and exactly align with your standards, then be strong and pass.

My Biggest Takeaway

What I took away from the book was that even today with the internet as crowded as it is, he believes that you can still build something for yourself.

You can still achieve your goals and your freedom by following your passions, doing what you love and using the appropriate social media tools of the time at your disposal to showcase your best skill.

*This post contains an affiliate link to the book that I have read so I may get a small amount from the affiliate if you choose to purchase this book. Also, as I use, you will also be helping Amazon support the charity of my choice, the Lignum Vitae Club.


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