Take Your Shot by Robin Waite

I decided to listen to Take Your Shot by Robin Waite after being extremely impressed with the coaching advice Robin gave during a podcast interview. This book did not disappoint. The delivery of the business lessons through a story was so easy to understand and relatable. It made you keep listening in order to learn how the guy progressed and…
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Ways To Make Money With Unity Apps

Here’s my next post which appeared first on Simple Programmer. So you’ve got an idea for an app, but you want to actually profit from this idea, not just pour a lot of time, effort, and money into something that won’t give you a return on investment. In the 10 years since the App Store first opened, the number of…
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Don’t Be Afraid to Pivot

Running a startup and working within a startup, I’ve learned that you have got to make decisions quickly. When opportunities arise, you must think strategically for the long term and re-prioritise, change or even cancel your projects in order to seize those chances. Always keep in mind what your long-term objectives and goals are. If you’ve been presented with an…
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What You Can Learn From Contract Jobs

I’ve just completed a contract app project. And although I’ve completed and shipped projects to app stores previously, there are significant differences in the workflow and processes that make these types of jobs more complex. For starters I’m working with other people so expectations to deliver are higher, working builds are essential and completing to the agreed deadline goes without…
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How Important Is CI and CD For An Appreneur?

Here’s my next post which appeared first on Simple Programmer.. During the day, I work as a test engineer. But I also consider myself a developer—more specifically, an appreneur. What is an appreneur? Why, it’s any entrepreneur trying to build a business via mobile applications. You could be producing templates for others to use, creating apps to sell directly on…
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