The A to Z of App Development 2018

Here’s my next post which appeared first on Simple Programmer. Apps (short for applications) were introduced to the world via the iPhone in 2007. In 2008, the Apple App Store was opened, and anyone could create apps. A market had opened that could generate developers enough income to give up their day jobs. Now, there are two major app stores,…
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Moving to Containers

It seems that containers are the new technology within IT that everyone is trying to incorporate into their infrastructure. And why? Containers not only benefit those in DevOps, but have positive implications for all teams involved in product delivery. At Immerse, we’ve recently moved our infrastructure to a containerised solution. It’s early days to analyse the impact that this has…
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How Important Is CI and CD For An Appreneur?

Here’s my next post which appeared first on Simple Programmer.. During the day, I work as a test engineer. But I also consider myself a developer—more specifically, an appreneur. What is an appreneur? Why, it’s any entrepreneur trying to build a business via mobile applications. You could be producing templates for others to use, creating apps to sell directly on…
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Releasing Your App to the Store in Style Part 3

Here’s my next post which appeared first on Simple Programmer.. During the first two posts in this series on how to release your app to the App Store, I discussed the importance of configuring the first two screens of your App Store page. In Releasing Your App to the Store in Style Part 1, I stepped through the App Information…
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Releasing Your App to the Store in Style Part 2

Here’s my next post which appeared first on Simple Programmer.. Configuring a great App Store page is usually one of the last stages in the app development life cycle. Because it comes at the end, it is sometimes overlooked, or the information is added in a slapdash sort of way, without much time or attention dedicated to the content. However,…
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