Exam prep: The Active Recall method

What is the Active Recall method? Active Recall is a studying technique which involves you taking lots of tests until you frequently pass with a high enough score in order to prove that you are competent enough in that topic. It forces you to pluck out information from your mind when you need it in order to test that you…
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Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Cloud Concepts

Please note that some screenshots have been taken from Pluralsight’s AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals course. The Language of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources split into compute, networking and storage distributed via data centres around the world. Benefits include low cost, ease of adoption and almost unlimited resources. High Availability Core to the cloud.…
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Azure Fundamentals Exam Notes

My System I have taken a lot exams. Over the years, I have found that I tend to learn and retain information (at least for the short term) the best in this way: Using this system, I have passed several exams first time including the latest one where I passed an AWS exam while on maternity leave. Notes This will…
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The result of my first practice test is…

Over the last month or so, I have been watching the Azure Fundamentals exam course on Pluralsight. I have now completed this once. After this I took a practice test to gauge: Turns out… not enough! I only got 39%, but I’m very pleased that I did this before I continued. I’ve never done a practice test before I start…
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Not able to run Azure Storage Emulator locally?

When you have a new computer and you get this message, it’s usually because you’re missing an environment variable. But with Azurite, it’s not the environment variable you would expect. You in fact need Node in order to run Azurite. So first check if you have Node on your computer by using: If you don’t have it, then go to…
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