Azure Fundamentals Exam Notes

Azure Fundamentals Exam Notes

My System

I have taken a lot exams. Over the years, I have found that I tend to learn and retain information (at least for the short term) the best in this way:

  1. Read through the information fully while concentrating (this means no multitasking or going on your phone during!
  2. Read through the information a second time and make notes
  3. Do practice exams until you securely reach the pass mark

Using this system, I have passed several exams first time including the latest one where I passed an AWS exam while on maternity leave.


This will be the page that will become the index of my exam notes for the Azure Fundamentals exam. Check back here regularly to read the latest additions.

  1. Cloud Concepts
  2. Azure Architecture
  3. Compute
  4. Networking
  5. Storage
  6. Database (Supplemental)
  7. Authentication and Authorization
  8. Azure Solutions (Supplemental)
  9. Security
  10. Monitoring and Management
  11. Pricing
  12. Support (Supplemental)

If you’re studying for the Azure Fundamentals exam now, please let me know what techniques you’re using to study. Are you using an online course from Udemy? Or taking one of the classroom courses? Are you going it alone like I did?

Please also share your passing mark so that others can try and roughly gauge what result each technique will give. This will help them decide which avenue to take when trying to study for themselves.

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