Ask “stupid” questions

Firstly, let me start by saying that I don’t believe that any question is actually a “stupid” question. You may believe it’s stupid because the answer seems to be obvious to everyone but yourself. But, if you need the information then why would you consider it stupid to ask? You’re going to gain way more from asking the question than…
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Volunteering for tasks that no one wants to do

Ok, hear me out. This may sound unreasonable at first because you also may not want to do the task that no one else wants to. But that’s exactly why you should! You have probably avoided it because: But try and think of the benefits that you’ll get once you complete the task. Here’s a few: Volunteering for the tasks…
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Passing an AWS Exam While on Maternity Leave

In this post, I hope to give some guidance to anyone wanting to take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. If I can do it while on maternity leave, looking after a baby less than three months old (and also looking after a five-year old at the same time), I’m sure you can do it too! Good luck. You Don’t…
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How To Find More Time In The Day

As a mum of one who commutes to my full-time day job five days a week, I would love for the day to be longer so I could spend more time with my husband, play with my daughter or just sleep. Sadly, this isn’t possible. We have only a finite amount of time in the day to get everything we…
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7 Effortless Ways to Achieve Your Goals

New Year’s resolutions are goals that many of us are very familiar with and try to achieve. We all have high ambitions at the beginning of the year to complete these goals within a year. Sadly, the truth is that many people fail or fall behind with these goals as early as mid-January. The main reason why people give up…
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