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    Not able to run Azure Storage Emulator locally?

    When you have a new computer and you get this message, it’s usually because you’re missing an environment variable. But with Azurite, it’s not the environment variable you would expect. You in fact need Node in order to run Azurite. So first check if you have Node on your computer by using: If you don’t have it, then go to…
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    I never lose, I always learn

    In order to make progress you must reframe the opposite of win. You must stop thinking that if you don’t win, that you automatically lose. Yes, you may not have achieved your goal, but you have improved your knowledge about that area along the way. You are not at the same position as you were when you started. You have…
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    Ask “stupid” questions

    Firstly, let me start by saying that I don’t believe that any question is actually a “stupid” question. You may believe it’s stupid because the answer seems to be obvious to everyone but yourself. But, if you need the information then why would you consider it stupid to ask? You’re going to gain way more from asking the question than…
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    Volunteering for tasks that no one wants to do

    Ok, hear me out. This may sound unreasonable at first because you also may not want to do the task that no one else wants to. But that’s exactly why you should! You have probably avoided it because: But try and think of the benefits that you’ll get once you complete the task. Here’s a few: Volunteering for the tasks…
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    Diving into the Cloud

    Over the last 18 months, I have been exposed to Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and now Azure. I speak about future-proofing your tech career by learning more about an upcoming area within your field. I am constantly trying to improve and be better, so I have been thinking about what areas I want to learn more…
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