Diving into the Cloud

Diving into the Cloud

Over the last 18 months, I have been exposed to Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and now Azure.

I speak about future-proofing your tech career by learning more about an upcoming area within your field. I am constantly trying to improve and be better, so I have been thinking about what areas I want to learn more about. I first thought AI or data because of my previous role. However, after thinking about the technologies that I’m using for my day job and FOBBS, I think it makes sense to gain a deeper understanding of Cloud Computing across the AWS and Azure platforms.

I am working with .NET technology fully now so I’m keen to learn more about Azure. And as I dipped my toes into AWS three years ago when I passed my cloud practitioner exam, I thought that it would be good to keep up knowledge here too.

So, I have an AWS Solutions Architect exam booked for later this year, but in the meantime, I want to study for the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam to get a good understanding of the basics within this new platform. I hope to pass this exam by September so I’ll try and update here with my progress and notes.

Wish me luck!


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